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Blue blue day

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Yes, you got a hold on me
You're always on my mind
And in my dreams

If I look into your eyes
If I see your face
I'm paralized

Whenever cold winds blow my mind
Would you stand by me, and set me free

And if you fear a lonely night
Would you call on me, just call on me yeah
That's all you gotta do

Call me on a blue blue day
Love me and chase the blues away
There's nothing to it so easy to say
Hello on a blue blue day

There's nothing to it so easy to say

If you would ever play the wild
Would our love prevail,
Or would it die

And if you fear a lonely night
Would you call on me, just call on me yeah
That's all you gotta do

Call me on a blue blue day
Love me and chase the blues away
There's nothing to it so easy to say
Hello on a blue blue day

It takes the blues away
On a blue blue day

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Dutch albumsForeign releasesVideos
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