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Time for rock & roll

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

It's Friday night, I feel all right
It's time to call you on the phone
Just to make a new date, we are gonna meet at eight

Girl of my dreams, in tight blue jeans
I lost my head over you
It's a thing called love, that I'm always dreaming of

Now's the time for rock and roll
Dancing the night away
The time to loose control
So let your body sway
Now's the time for rock and roll
Let's do it all night long
Oh just a wiggle and a waggle
Oh no no, it can't be wrong

Pretty ballerina, the moment that I've waited for
Oh you can make me happy, so lead me to the floor

So young and green, just seventeen
With nothing in the whole wide world
Except your romance, all you wanna do is dance

Boy of my dreams, in tight blue jeans
I lost my head over you
It's a thing called love, that I'm always dreaming of

Now's the time for rock and roll
Dancing the night away
The time to loose control
So let your body sway
Now's the time for rock and roll
Let's do it all night long
Oh just a wiggle and a waggle
Oh no no, it can't be wrong

Honey ballerina, the moment that I've waited for
Oh you can make me happy, so lead me to the floor

Now's the time for rock and roll
Dancing the night away
The time to loose control
So let your body sway
Now's the time for rock and roll
Let's do it all night long
Oh just a wiggle and a waggle
Oh no no, it can't be wrong
Oh just a wiggle and a waggle
Oh no no, it can't be wrong

Appears on:

Dutch albumsDutch singles
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