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BZN in Canada

On account of Maid of the mist
  1. Love's like a river
    [ Th. Tol / J. Tuijp / C. Tol ]
  2. Le paradis pour les amoureux
    [ Th. Tol / J. Keizer ]
  3. The summertime
    [ Th. Tol / J. Tuijp / C. Tol ]
  4. My memories of you
    [ Th. Tol / J. Tuijp / C. Tol ]
  5. Let's go rock and roll
    [ Th. Tol / J. Tuijp / C. Tol ]
  6. Rain, rain
    [ Th. Tol / J. Tuijp / C. Tol ]
  7. Run away home
    [ Th. Tol / J. Tuijp / C. Tol ]


1) This VHS could be obtained by purchasing 2 Philips video tapes.

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