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Second dance

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

She was just a little girl of only seventeen
Every night before she went to sleep, she was a queen
In her selfmade dancing-dress, she moved across the floor
While she looked into the mirror on her bedroomdoor

Then one night, I saw her there, a local disco-show
Waiting in the corner, where the lights were pretty low
I felt a pity for the girl, and asked her on the floor
And when I came the other night, she asked me for some more

Baby, (a) won't you give me a second dance
Ca choo ca-choo ca choo ca-choo
The way you dance across the floor
Hey pretty baby, won't you give me some more
You won't forget it, that's for sure
Hey pretty baby, we're in a romance

Baby, (a) won't you give me a second dance
Ca choo ca-choo ca choo ca-choo
The way you dance across the floor
Hey pretty baby, won't you give me some more
You won't forget it, that's for sure
Hey pretty baby, we're in a romance

Baby, you are the only one I know
Well in the morning, I'll be waiting at your door
Ooh baby, I never felt like this before
This crazy feeling, is it love then I'll be yours forever more

A kiss goodbye, a waving hand, the end of every night
I'm walking in the pouring rain, beyond the city lights
Wondering where she will be, I wished I knew for sure
Is she dancing in the mirror on her bedroomdoor

Baby, (a) won't you give me a second dance
Ca choo ca-choo ca choo ca-choo
The way you dance across the floor
Hey pretty baby, won't you give me some more
You won't forget it, that's for sure
Hey pretty baby, we're in a romance

Baby, (a) won't you give me a second dance
Ca choo ca-choo ca choo ca-choo
The way you dance across the floor
Hey pretty baby, won't you give me some more
You won't forget it, that's for sure
Hey pretty baby, we're in a romance

A pretty baby, a second dance
A pretty baby, a second dance
A pretty baby, a second dance
A pretty baby, a second dance
A pretty baby, a second dance
A pretty baby, a second dance.......

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Dutch albumsDutch singles
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