Frequently Asked Questions
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  1. What does "BZN" stand for?
    "BZN" is the abbreviation of "Band Zonder Naam" which means: Band Without a Name.

  2. Where does BZN come from?
    BZN comes from Volendam, a fisherman's village on the border of the IJsselmeer in The Netherlands.

  3. When was BZN founded?
    In 1966 a group of youngsters played a few songs in a local pub in Volendam. After this performance the local newspaper spoke of a band without a name that got the audience go wild. Soon the name BZN was born.

  4. What kind of music does the band play?
    In the early days (up till 1976) the band played several styles of rock music, ranging from beat to solid rock. After that a melodical style of music was introduced.

  5. Who are BZN?
    The band consists of six members: Jan Keizer (vocals), Carola Smit (vocals), Dick Plat (keyboards), John Meijer (lead guitars), Jan Tuijp (bass guitar) and Jack Veerman (drums).

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