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Municipality cuts down monumental BZN tree NuJij

Placed: Monday, September 27, 2021 11:46:16 AM
Modified: Monday, September 27, 2021 3:32:18 PM

The 'BZN-tree' was felled last July, without informing the BZN members or their manager in advance. Reports about this (in Dutch) appeared in the local media last week.

In honor of the 25th anniversary, the BZN members and their manager Dick de Boer (Brit) were presented with their own monument in the form of a commemorative tree. The beautiful tree was planted in 1991 in the lawn along Populierenlaan, directly opposite the AMVO. A plaque was attached next to the 'BZN tree'.

In a response, the municipality said that "the tree was in poor condition and a danger to the environment in certain weather conditions. Planting a new tree is in line with the possibilities and will be included when the redevelopment of Julianweg is started.

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