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Over the hills

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Through the ages: upon the land,
where he belongs to: the elephant,
slowly swaggering: a giant view,
the pride of nature, inviolate and pure.

Blood and slaughter. A staggering blow,
they use machine guns, to kill jumbo,
millions of them, already have died,
there is no mercy, my god, they have no right.

Over the hills, down in Africa,
in the shades of green, the silence of the past,
a memory's alive, down in Africa,
hear the roll of drums, that guide the caravans,
but here in this land, beneath the purple sky,
down the barrel of a gun, they see the elephants die,
it makes me cry.

Screaming hunters and rattling guns,
they kill for money, they kill for fun,
almost every "jumbo" died,
there is no mercy, my god, they have no right.

Over the hills, down in Africa,
in the shades of green, the silence of the past,
a memory's alive, down in Africa,
hear the roll of drums, that guide the caravans,
but here in this land, beneath the purple sky,
down the barrel of a gun, they see the elephants die,
it makes me cry.

Over the hills, down in Africa,
in the shades of green, the silence of the past,
a memory's alive, down in Africa,
hear the roll of drums, that guide the caravans.
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