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You and I

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Oh I will not forget
The evening that we met
That special look in your eyes
Around the fire side
We held each other tight
We kissed again and again

I love you more every day
(I love you more every day)
More than I ever can say
(More than I ever can say)
Why don't we give it a try (try)
You and I, together

You asked me for a dance
I thought I'd take a chance
I had no cause for regret
For then I heard you say
"I hope that you will stay"
We kissed again and again

I love you more every day
(I love you more every day)
More than I ever can say
(More than I ever can say)
Why don't we give it a try (try)
You and I, together

The stars were shining bright
I walked you home that night
And then you whispered: "My dear"
Now I can only see
Together you and me
I held you close to my heart

I love you more every day
(I love you more every day)
More than I ever can say
(More than I ever can say)
Why don't we give it a try (try)
You and I

Just you and I
(Just you and I, you and I, yeah)
You and I
(Just you and I, you and I)
You and I, ooh
(Just you and I, you and I, yeah)
You and I
(Just you and I, you and I)
You and I

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