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Will there be a time

(D. Plat/J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Will there be a time, we'll understand
Mother Earth she needs, a helping hand
She gives a cry, a cry of fear
For her threats are we, just you and me

Will there be a time, this human race
'll realize this planet, t's our home in space
With every mountain, and every sea
With the coloured rainbows and every tree

We're only visitors, in a paradise
One day we'll leave it all behind
Don't let us spoil this place, and be unwise
Preserve it for the sake of every child

Will there be a time, when whales are free
Free in every ocean, in every sea
Save the whale, and make it last
We deserve no future, if we kill the past

We're only visitors, in a paradise
One day we'll leave it all behind
Don't let us spoil this place, and be unwise
Preserve it for the sake of every child

Will there be a time, when whales are free
Free in every ocean, in every sea
With no pollution, in a world of blue
Without being endangered, by me and you

Will there be a time, when whales are free
Free in every ocean, in every sea
Save the whale, and make it last
We deserve no future, if we kill the past
Save the whale, and make it last
We deserve no future, if we kill the past

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