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The pearl of Surabaya


Where a golden sun is rising
from the dew, on blue blue waters.
So mystifying, the beauty of tropic islands.
Between mystery and secrets,
silent passion, misty colours,
I found my true love,
the pearl of Surabaya.

You whispered sweet words,
gave me a bunch of 'bunga melatti',
and while the moon was gently smiling,
oh babe, I fell in love with you.

That moonlit night in Surabaya,
mmmm mmm mmmmm I lost my heart.
That moonlit night in Surabaya,
I fell, oh, I fell in love

Where the paddy fields are blooming,
in the sunlit green, green valleys,
I found my true love,
the pearl of Surabaya.

You whispered sweet words,
gave me a bunch of 'bunga melatti',
and while the moon was gently smiling,
oh babe, I fell in love with you.

That moonlit night in Surabaya,
mmmm mmm mmmmm I lost my heart.
That moonlit night in Surabaya,
I fell, oh, I fell in love
That moonlit night in Surabaya,
I fell, oh, I fell
in love

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