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Cambodian girl

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp/D. v.d. Horst)

In a paradise now rotten to the core
there's a jungle lost in deafening acts of war
where the people throng the road to fly away
life's torn to pieces day by day

Crowded river boats defy a blistering sun
to a nowhere land, my god, what have they done
while the waves are rolling high, the end is near
and she is crying, a cry of fear

Cambodian girl, dry your eyes and turn it over
one day you're homeward bound, back to the sun
Cambodian girl, lay your head upon my shoulder
once you will be back where you belong

But the darkest hour is right before the dawn
they await so afraid, but carry on
there's a light, a ray of hope, and no more grief
a new tomorrow, a land of make believe

Cambodian girl, dry your eyes and turn it over
one day you're homeward bound, back to the sun
Cambodian girl, lay your head upon my shoulder
once you will be back where you belong

Cambodian girl, dry your eyes and turn it over
one day you're homeward bound, back to the sun
Cambodian girl, lay your head upon my shoulder
once you will be back where you belong

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