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Weekend love

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Monday till Friday no bit of a sheen
But trying to earn me some money
A picture of you on my dirty machine
It's liftin' me up oh my honey

But Friday get out of the groove
It's time to get on the move
Well ridin' and rollin', ramblin' and strollin'
We'll get yourself out of the blues.

Hooray, what a day for weekend lovers, sing na na na na na na na na na
Have a show for your money every weekend, do you do na na na na na na
Singin' hi, say hello, till the end of the show again every weekend
Hearts of soul, rock 'n' roll, there's no need for control tonight
Oh, yes tonight.

The five-forty train is calling again
Bad boring faces surround me
A guy lies in wait for a sweet Parisienne,
A slow affair all around me.

But Friday get out of the groove
It's time to get on the move
Well ridin' and rollin', ramblin' and strollin'
We'll get yourself out of the blues.

Hooray, what a day for weekend lovers, sing na na na na na na na na na
Have a show for your money every weekend, do you do na na na na na na
Singin' hi, say hello, till the end of the show again every weekend
Hearts of soul, rock 'n' roll, there's no need for control tonight
Oh, yes tonight.

Hooray, what a day for weekend lovers, sing na na na na na na na na na
Have a show for your money every weekend, do you do na na na na na na
Singin' hi, say hello, till the end of the show again every weekend
Hearts of soul, rock 'n' roll, there's no need for control tonight
Oh, yes tonight.
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