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This is what I feel

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp)

Baby baby have in mind, you'll gonna have a little child
I'm telling you so do beware, no boys and gin around to share
You said to me you're so afraid, of somebody who will take your place,
No no don't have a fear, I'll never ever disappear.

I don't know how, but this is what I feel
I bet that better we can take it real
We make the people stare, a boy with long blond hair
'Cause that is what our baby's gonna be

Only trouble's on our side, no home, no place where we can hide
Baby baby can't you see, we don't care 'cause we're really free

I don't know how, but this is what I feel
I bet that better we can take it real
We make the people stare, a boy with long blond hair
'Cause that is what our baby's gonna be

We're gonna make it yes we do, it's only me it's only you
No no don't have a fear, I'll never ever disappear

I don't know how, but this is what I feel
I bet that better we can take it real
We make the people stare, a boy with long blond hair
'Cause that is what our baby's gonna be

I don't know how, but this is what I feel
I bet that better we can take it real
We make the people stare, a boy with long blond hair
'Cause that is what our baby's gonna be
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