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Teardrops are falling

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

For you I bought some roses and perfume
And sang my songs if there was gloom
Gave you my heart, my everything
A golden ring

With you I fell in love by candlelight
Wrote tender poems, that starry night
You filled me with a wild desire
A heart on fire

But love can be a victim of 'the same old way' of 'getting into a groove'
Then it can't stand the wear and tear of time
They call it 'the price of love'

Teardrops, teardrops are falling
Oh my eyes grow misty babe when memory's calling
Crying, crying, so lonely
Dreamin' of the days you said: "I love you only"
But that's the way the story goes
And how it ends, nobody knows
Always teardrops, teardrops are falling

To you I wrote my letters just to say
How much I missed you day by day
I had your picture on the wall
My baby doll

But love can be a victim of 'the same old way' of 'getting into a groove'
Then it can't stand the wear and tear of time
They call it 'the price of love'

Teardrops, teardrops are falling
Oh my eyes grow misty babe when memory's calling
Crying, crying, so lonely
Dreamin' of the days you said: "I love you only"
But that's the way the story goes
And how it ends, nobody knows
Always teardrops, teardrops are falling
Always teardrops, teardrops are falling

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