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(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

It's Saturday night, so I feel all right
Can't wait any longer, this feeling grows stronger
It's time for a tango

Rosario girl, my sweet dancing pearl
You caught me with passion to dance in the fashion
Of your Latin world

Come on and dance till morning light
Tonight's the night for a tango
If you want to break free, hold me, shake me
Put your arms around me

Come on and dance till morning light
Tonight's the night for a tango
If you want to break free
Who la la, do the tango with me

I tremble inside; we sway and we glide
We're twisting and turning my heart begins burning
When we're dancing the tango

At the end of the show; my resistance is low
But before I surrender oh please hold me tender
For a tango d'amor

Come on and dance till morning light
Tonight's the night for a tango
If you want to break free, hold me, shake me
Put your arms around me

Come on and dance till morning light
Tonight's the night for a tango
If you want to break free
Who la la, do the tango with me

Come on and dance till morning light
Tonight's the night for a tango
If you want to break free
Who la la, do the tango with me

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