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Tonight (1990)

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Down in St. Tropez, you came my way, you're such a sexy girl
Yes, you took my breath away, took my breath away
Saw you lying there, in a lazy chair, my heart beat boom, boom, boom
Never seen a girl like you, seen a girl like you
How I fell in love with you, fell in love with you

Tonight we dance so closely
(tonight.......we dance)
I can feel your body next to mine
Tonight we kiss so rosy
(tonight.......we kiss)
I can taste your sweet lips touching mine
Until the morning sun, turns the night into another day
and then I realise that it was just a dream
but so many dreams come true

Really lost my head, I can't explain, you set my heart on fire
Never seen a man like you, seen a man like you
How I fell in love with you, fell in love with you

Tonight we dance so closely
(tonight.......we dance)
I can feel your body next to mine
Tonight we kiss so rosy
(tonight.......we kiss)
I can taste your sweet lips touching mine
Until the morning sun, turns the night into another day
and then I realise that it was just a dream
but so many dreams come true

Tonight we dance so closely
(tonight.......we dance)
I can feel your body next to mine
Tonight we kiss so rosy
(tonight.......we kiss)
I can taste your sweet lips touching mine
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