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Those good old days


I remember sixty-four, we were young and green, just sixteen
In a simple world of pleasure
I was working, in a factory
To earn a livin' for the family

We didn't have a discotheque, there were no CDs and no PCs
We hung around in the back streets
Playing soccer, havin' fun
We were so happy when we won

Those were the good old days, they always stick in my mind
Those were the good old days, we were light-hearted and wild
We didn't have money, we didn't complain
We had no umbrella, we walked in the rain
Those were the good old days; we had to leave it all behind

I remember eighty-four, every love-affair, free from care
I still believed in illusions
All the lovin' it drove me mad
Almost everyday I lost my head

Those were the good old days, they always stick in my mind
Those were the good old days, we were light-hearted and wild
We didn't have money, we didn't complain
We had no umbrella, we walked in the rain
Those were the good old days; we had to leave it all behind

But in dreams one day, I drift away, I imagine I can do it all over
With the knowledge that I have today
And the many things that changed anyway
I wonder if I'd fall in love with you again
Or would it be somebody else

Those were the good old days, they always stick in my mind
Those were the good old days, we were light-hearted and wild
We didn't have money, we didn't complain
We had no umbrella, we walked in the rain
Those were the good old days; we had to leave it all behind

We didn't have money, we didn't complain
We had no umbrella, we walked in the rain
Those were the good old days; we had to leave it all behind
We had to leave it all behind
We had to leave it all behind

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