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This is Christmas night

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Sittin' by the open fire
I watch my Christmas tree
All the children gather 'round
'Cause candy is for free
Gazing at the snow that's falling
Past my window pane

This is Christmas night
(This is Christmas night)
It makes you feel all right
(Makes you feel all right)
When you hear the sleighbells that ring through the night
Christmas night
(This is Christmas night)
An evening of delight
(Evening of delight)
May all your days be like a Christmas day

Candles glow and lights are low
It makes you feel at ease
Sittin' in your rocking chair
With children on your knees
Then it's time to taste the wine
It's good to have you near

This is Christmas night
(This is Christmas night)
It makes you feel all right
(Makes you feel all right)
When you hear the sleighbells that ring through the night
Christmas night
(This is Christmas night)
An evening of delight
(Evening of delight)
May all your days be like a Christmas day

Sittin' by the open fire
I watch my Christmas tree
All the children gather 'round
'Cause candy is for free
Gazing at the snow that's falling
Past my window pane

This is Christmas night
(This is Christmas night)
It makes you feel all right
(Makes you feel all right)
When you hear the sleighbells that ring through the night
Christmas night
(This is Christmas night)
An evening of delight
(Evening of delight)
May all your days be like a Christmas day
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