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Santa Maria bay

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

The sun comes up behind
The Sierra Madre

It shines, it's magic bright
On the morning dew

See the little fishing boats
Dancin' in the sparkling light

With their misty colours,
Such a rich and wondrous sight

Blue waters of Santa Maria bay
Where beauty and silence meet
Blue waters of Santa Maria,
Sanctuary, where the oceans still breed

Then day comes to an end
And twilight's falling

Fishermen are gathering
By the harbour side

Cooling breeze, a starry sky
Now the night is calling

May it last forever,
Such a rich and wondrous sight

Blue waters of Santa Maria bay
Where beauty and silence meet
Blue waters of Santa Maria,
Sanctuary, where the oceans still breed

Blue waters of Santa Maria bay
Where beauty and silence meet
Blue waters of Santa Maria,
Sanctuary, where the oceans still breed

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