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The story of the elfen creatures

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

This is the true story of the last of the fairy-folk
Threatened by mankind, they wait underground, armed
For the battle and the day of their revenge

Under the green of Ireland
They live in a fairy-land
Millions of elfen creatures
Ready to take a hand

'Cause the people they burned their homeland
And brought on the crack of doom
Now's the time for retalliation
Beware, they're coming soon

Oh whee-o, why-o
You'll hear them cry
On flying horses
In the purple sky

Oh whee-o, why-o
They shout and cry
No guts, no glory
They even want to die

Hidden in holes and dark caves
Keen on the great revenge
The little folk are gathering
It Looks like a ritual dance

Firm to end useless ruination
As an army they will dragoon
Now's the time for retalliation
Beware, they're coming soon

Oh whee-o, why-o
You'll hear them cry
On flying horses
In the purple sky

Oh whee-o, why-o
They shout and cry
No guts, no glory
They even want to die

Oh whee-o, why-o
You'll hear them cry
On flying horses
In the purple sky

Oh whee-o, why-o
They shout and cry
No guts, no glory
They even want to die

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