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She's a queen

(D. Plat/J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

The darkness was creeping away
It fled from the sun, as it rose upon the view
In this morning light, by the riverside
In the ghetto, she was born

It's labour lost on the wildside
'Cause they're in dire need
From the cradle to the grave
So the road was long, but her spirit strong
And she fought her way to fame

She would never give in, and never lay down
She became the talk of every town

She's a queen, a revelation
(She's a queen, a revelation)
Winner in a tug o'war
(She's a winner in a tug o'war)
She got fortune, she got fame
Neon lights calling her name
She isn't hard up anymore
She's a queen in magic glory
(She's a queen in magic glory)
There's no legend to compare
(And there is no legend to compare)
She got fortune, she got fame
Neon lights calling her name
For many years to come

She got up and rose to the crisis
No, she didn't care, and she never looked behind
So the road was long, and her spirit strong
And she fought her way to fame

She would never give in, and never lay down
She became the talk of every town

She's a queen, a revelation
(She's a queen, a revelation)
Winner in a tug o'war
(She's a winner in a tug o'war)
She got fortune, she got fame
Neon lights calling her name
She isn't hard up anymore
She's a queen in magic glory
(She's a queen in magic glory)
There's no legend to compare
(And there is no legend to compare)
She got fortune, she got fame
Neon lights calling her name
For many years to come

She got fortune, she got fame
Neon lights calling her name
For many years to come
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