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Should I cry

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Arms around his shoulder
Waving me goodbye
The time has come
She's leaving home
And I didn't realise
She's a woman now
And I don't know how
But inside I have my fears

She's growing older
And she's changed her hair
She's dressed up wild
But she's still my child
I won't let her slip away
On this lonely day
I don't know what to say
I am lonely without you

Should I cry, should I sigh
It was always on my mind
Now I don't know what to do

Should I cry, should I sigh
It was always on my mind
I'll be lonely without you

Hear the wistle blowing
Through the wind and rain
I was alone
And I couldn't cope
To see her go away
She's a woman now
And I don't know how
But inside I have my fears

Should I cry, should I sigh
It was always on my mind
Now I don't know what to do

Should I cry, should I sigh
It was always on my mind
I'll be lonely without you

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