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(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Her name is Sally and she is a rock 'n roller
And she's a loner
She'll gonna rock the world
She'll gonna make it, no matter

And when she hits the stage, the kids are really shakin'
Their hearts are breakin'
You gotta see that girl,
She's from a different world

She's only seventeen, but she can play the guitar
She beats the hell out, out of you
Yeah yeah, she wiggles and she giggles
And she's really gonna rock tonight

Well she's a rock 'n roller and she's driving you mad
She beats the hell out, out of you
Yeah yeah, she wiggles and she giggles
And she's really gonna rock tonight

You'll gonna love that girl
(You love that girl)
You'll gonna love her forever, yeah
(Love her forever)
You'll gonna love that girl
(You love that girl)

Yeah, no matter where she moves, no matter what direction
She's full of action
She really turns you on
She moves a whole generation

And when the moning came, she is the one and only
And still she's lonely
But if you're number one
You're always on the run

She's only seventeen, but she can play the guitar
She beats the hell out, out of you
Yeah yeah, she wiggles and she giggles
And she's really gonna rock tonight

You'll gonna love that girl
(You love that girl)
You'll gonna love her forever, yeah
(Love her forever)
You'll gonna love that girl
(You love that girl)

She's only seventeen, but she can play the guitar
She beats the hell out, out of you
Yeah yeah, she wiggles and she giggles
And she's really gonna rock tonight
Yeah yeah, she wiggles and she giggles
And she's really gonna rock tonight

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