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(Th. Tol/C. Tol/J. Tuijp/J. Veerman/A. Schilder/J. Keizer/P. Natte)

Having homes and having everything
A Christmastree where all the children sing
You are dining and you taste the wine
Peach flambé, it all looks very fine

At the moment that you switch the light
Sheila's washing down the riverside
She has got no dolls that she can hold
She feels hungry and she's six years old

Don't cry Sheila
Tears rolling from your eyes
Still being blind after all those years
We forgot you, but once we'll dry your tears

Don't cry Sheila
Tears rolling from your eyes
Still being blind after all those years
We forgot you, but once we'll dry your tears

Having homes where we can watch TV
Having cars and boats to sail the sea
Sheila never will have grace or style
She's just hungry and she lost her smile

Don't cry Sheila
Tears rolling from your eyes
Still being blind after all those years
We forgot you, but once we'll dry your tears
Still being blind after all those years
We forgot you, but once we'll dry your tears

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