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(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

The beach is very crowdy, on a Sunday afternoon
And everybod' is trying to get some colour soon
I lay myself so easy and then she crossed my eye
I watched her and I found out, that she was really shy

I could see that he was aching, my resistance it was breaking
He touched my mind by saying: "I want your company"
Oh no, I have to go, because I know what then will gonna happen
"No, I have to go", because of what my mother told me
For so many years ago

And every summerday will end up to a summernight
When time is right
Then together we'll go walking
All along the boulevard
So you may say, when a summernight is calling
Do enjoy it everyday

And every summerday will end up to a summernight
When time is right
Then together we'll go walking
All along the boulevard
So you may say, when a summernight is calling
Do enjoy it everyday

I said: "Hey little lady, why don't you talk to me
I wonder how you're doing, come on and let me see"
She came in my direction and moved into my chair
And then one minute later, she ran her fingers through my hair

But I still thought of my mother (oh-oh)
And her words: "Please, take good care off"
And now I hear you sayin': "I want your company"
Oh no, don't wanna go, because I know what now will gonna happen
No, don't wanna go, no matter what my mother told me
For so many years ago

And every summerday will end up to a summernight
When time is right
Then together we'll go walking
All along the boulevard
So you may say, when a summernight is calling
Do enjoy it everyday

And every summerday will end up to a summernight
When time is right
Then together we'll go walking
All along the boulevard
So you may say, when a summernight is calling
Do enjoy it everyday
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