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Singing in the rain

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

They say he was born to be a looser
Nobody knew his name
And when he wakes up he may sing
Or play songs on his violin

He stood in the alleys dark and narrow
He begged: "Give me a dime"
Then I will play something mellow
The crazy lazy fellow

He's the man, such a man, waiting for the rain to come
People call him little Valentino
On a fence, waiting for a chance to let you dance
'Cause he's just a lucky fellow

He's the man, such a man, waiting for the rain to come
People call him little Valentino
On a fence, waiting for a chance to let you dance
'Cause he's just a lucky fellow

Then he was singing in the rain
Da da da ja hopta da da da
And though it's raining
Heels going click clack all around
He's like a friend who'll never let you down
The one and only here in town

He catches the cap with all the money
And waves them all goodnight
And off he goes through the alley
To buy some drinks and candy

He's the man, such a man, waiting for the rain to come
People call him little Valentino
On a fence, waiting for a chance to let you dance
'Cause he's just a lucky fellow

Then he was singing in the rain
Da da da ja hopta da da da
And though it's raining
Heels going click clack all around
He's like a friend who'll never let you down
The one and only here in town

Then he was singing in the rain
Da da da ja hopta da da da
And though it's raining
Heels going click clack all around
He's like a friend who'll never let you down
The one and only here in town
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