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Remember September

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

So many times I am thinking about the days I will be 65
The road is so long and it's hard to survive
It's not easy, but we all get by

Will I remember the words of this song
Will I still be able to write
And will I be happy and maybe wise
Whenever I'm 65

It's only a dream with no answer at all
The one who's to know's father time
I'm sure, when I'm old I'll remember the early days

And we all will remember
Late in September, on rainy days
Granddad and we were walking
He did the talking, we played the games
Those happy days together
I wished they were here again
And we all will remember
Late in September, on rainy days

Will I be loved 'till the end of my time
Or will I be lonely and blue
Will you be there, just to say goodnight
Whenever I'm 65

It's only a dream with no answer at all
The one who's to know's father time
I'm sure, when I'm old I'll remember the early days

And we all will remember
Late in September, on rainy days
Granddad and we were walking
He did the talking, we played the games
Those happy days together
I wished they were here again
And we all will remember
Late in September, on rainy days

Those happy days together
I wished they were here again
And we all will remember
Late in September, those rainy days

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