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Reggae, reggae

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

When you're alone, nowhere to go
Out of temper all the time
Try to find out where's the late night show
Go down town and have some fun

Get your guitar, into a bar
Play some reggae, play it cool
Join the band and let them sing along
Sing your song and have some fun

All around the guys and the girls
Moving their bodies into a whirl
When the music goes on and on

Loose your head and get your guitar
No matter who you are
Reggae reggae how I love you
No matter what you do

All around the guys and the girls
Moving their bodies into a whirl
When the music goes on and on

Loose your head and get your guitar
No matter who you are
Reggae reggae how I love you
No matter what you do

Loose your head and get your guitar
No matter who you are
Reggae reggae how I love you
No matter what you do
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