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Only time will tell

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

You ask me why, the world is turning
Ask me why, the moon is our guide every night
Is it true, that space is endless
Are there no borders in the universe

Some people say, a million planets
Have their own living souls, light-years away
Is this just imagination, or the truth
Will they visit us one day

So many things little friend, we cannot understand
We simply don't know everything
But you my child, you've got time on your side
Know so well, only time can tell

Don't worry, you've got the future
And the answers, only time can tell

So many things little friend, we cannot understand
We simply don't know everything
But you my child, you've got time on your side
Know so well, only time can tell

Even your last and simple question,
Will there be a world where war's dispelled
Cannot be answered, nobody knows
Only time, only time can tell

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