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The one for you

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Where would I be without you, pretty baby?
What can I do without you by my side?
I think I would go astray and die on a lonely day,
But I'd be watching you from heaven

What is a night without you, pretty baby?
I couldn't live without your warm embrace
Without your good "goodnight" and holding me, oh, so tight,
I couldn't fall asleep, no never

You've given me so much love and understanding,
I can always count on you, my friend
I think that is why our love is never-ending,
Why I recall the rhyme of love that you wrote just for me

What they say or what will be,
I'm the one for you and you're the one for me,
Like the honey for the bee
I was made for you and you were made for me
Chicka, chicka, chicka, chicka, boom, boom, boom,
My heart beats loud and clear,
Chicka, chicka, chicka, chicka, boom, boom, boom,
Whenever you are near
What they say or what will be,
I'm the one for you and you're the one for me

What is a day without you, pretty baby?
I couldn't bear to see you walk away
I think I would go astray and die on a lonely day,
But I'd be watching you from heaven

You've given me so much love and understanding,
I can always count on you, my friend
I think that is why our love is never-ending,
Why I recall the rhyme of love that you wrote just for me

What they say or what will be,
I'm the one for you and you're the one for me,
Like the honey for the bee
I was made for you and you were made for me
Chicka, chicka, chicka, chicka, boom, boom, boom,
My heart beats loud and clear,
Chicka, chicka, chicka, chicka, boom, boom, boom,
Whenever you are near
What they say or what will be,
I'm the one for you and you're the one for me
I'm the one for you and you're the one for me
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