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Once upon a Christmas

(Dolly Parton)

Once upon a Christmas, far away in Bethlehem
Mary, being great with her child
Had no place to lie down
So Joseph found a stable, in which Mary had her child
Once upon a Christmas, was the birth of Jesus Christ

Once upon a Christmas, in a manger far away
A King was born, His palace was a manger filled with hay
His royal robe was swaddling close, a halo was His crown
Once upon a Christmas, far away in Bethlehem

And all the world rejoiced because the King was born at last
A saviour had been promised
Now it had come to pass
And the joyfull news that He was born
Spread quickly, far and wide
Once upon a Christmas, was the birth of Jesus Christ

Once upon a Christmas, from the far east wise-men came
With gold and myrrh and frank-in-cense
To praise the new born King
Shepherds left their flocks and came to see and worship Him
Once upon a Christmas, far away in Bethlehem

And all the world rejoiced because the King was born at last
A saviour had been promised
Now it had come to pass
And the joyfull news that He was born
Spread quickly, far and wide
Once upon a Christmas, was the birth of Jesus Christ

All the world rejoiced because the King was born at last
A saviour had been promised
Now it had come to pass
And the joyfull news that He was born
Spread quickly, far and wide
Once upon a Christmas, was the birth of Jesus Christ

All the world rejoiced because the King was born at last
A saviour had been promised
Now it had come to pass
And the joyfull news that He was born
Spread quickly, far and wide
Once upon a Christmas, was the birth of Jesus Christ

Once upon a Christmas, far away in Bethlehem
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