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Only a boozer

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Now I'm sitting here, think of yesterday
Have I drunk too much in that little café
Yes you have my friend, but you didn't understand
Now I remember again how it went, I blame it on my friend

Everyday the same, when I'm wakin' up
Can I have a beer, please give me a drop
No you can't my friend, even you should understand
I like to sing and to dance, take a chance, and be with me tonight

Then we'll sing da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da *hick*

So let us have a drink, though we haven't slept a wink
We don't even have to think it all over
'Cause tomorrow is another day (tomorrow is another day)
And it don't matter me at all
Whether right or wrong, we will have it all

So let us have a drink, though we haven't slept a wink
We don't even have to think it all over
'Cause tomorrow is another day (tomorrow is another day)
And it don't matter me at all
Whether right or wrong, we will have it all
And it don't matter me at all

So you'd better listen to my advice
Have a glass of wine and make it feel nice
Come and let's forget, all the trouble that we had
I like to sing and dance, take a chance, and be with me tonight

Then we'll sing da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da *hick*

So let us have a drink, though we haven't slept a wink
We don't even have to think it all over
'Cause tomorrow is another day (tomorrow is another day)
And it don't matter me at all
Whether right or wrong, we will have it all

So let us have a drink, though we haven't slept a wink
We don't even have to think it all over
'Cause tomorrow is another day (tomorrow is another day)
And it don't matter me at all
Whether right or wrong, we will have it all
And it don't matter me at all

So let us have a drink
So let us have a drink
So let us have a drink, ah-ha

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