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(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

I went to Russia, oh what a land
I took my horse, my dogs and a friend
From Pavlovitsj, to Samarga, off and there we go

I give my horse free rein, 'cause I know
She knows her way much better you know
From Pavlovitsj, to Samarga, through the wind and snow

The evening comes and soon we have to rest here for the night
Blow the horns light the fire, 'cause here we are

The evening comes and soon we have to rest here for the night
Blow the horns light the fire, 'cause here we are

Nadja, sing and dance
Have a drink, never think of the land
Sing a song, play it on your balalaikas

Nadja, sing and dance
Have a drink, never think of the land
Sing a song, play it on your balalaikas

Then one day, early in the morning
They saddled the horses
And decided to continue their journey
In spite of the cold wind
That was rolling in, over the fields
And the unknown danger that could be on their way,
They moved on again

The evening comes and soon we have to rest here for the night
Blow the horns light the fire, 'cause here we are

The evening comes and soon we have to rest here for the night
Blow the horns light the fire, 'cause here we are

Nadja, sing and dance
Have a drink, never think of the land
Sing a song, play it on your balalaikas

Nadja, sing and dance
Have a drink, never think of the land
Sing a song, play it on your balalaikas


  • Het gesproken gedeelte van "Nadja" is ingesproken door Roy Beltman, de producer van dit lied en vele andere van BZN.

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