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When I'm feeling down
and find myself in trouble
sick and tired of all the daily cares
when I'm close to tears with bringing up the children
I recall the days when I was young

And then I say this little prayer
looking at your picture standing there

Mother this is me, I have to say "I'm sorry"
for all the moments that I broke your heart
Mother, now I see what you've been going through
and that I am so much, so much like you

Different points of view
and other moral senses
bandied words, you solved it all so well
Now I follow you, it's not a bed of roses
many times I felt I was in hell

But then I said this little prayer
looking at your picture standing there

Mother this is me, I have to say "I'm sorry"
for all the moments that I broke your heart
Mother, now I see what you've been going through
and that I am so much, so much like you

I wished that you were here again
to talk about it all
'cause now I need your wisdom most of all

Mother this is me, I have to say "I'm sorry"
for all the moments that I broke your heart
Mother, now I see what you've been going through
and that I am so much, so much like you
(Oh mother don't you know? I miss you so)
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