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My number one

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

You may not be a goddess or a queen
No movie star, no actress on the screen
There's silver in your hair, your dresses have no flair
But you haven't lost your heart of gold

The silky skin you had in bygone days
Is wrinkled now, for care has lined your face
No diamonds in your hair and not a pearl to wear
When you're out, there's no one there to stop and stare

But you're my number one
You are without comparison
You are the best, I'm impressed
Since the day you came my way
You are my number one
You are without comparison
You are the best, because I love you, number one

They say it's you, who's acting like a clown
Messing around with all the chicks in town
You've got no limousine, you're not like "Steve McQueen"
When you're out, there's no one there to stop and stare

But you're my number one
You are without comparison
You are the best, I'm impressed
Since the day you came my way
You are my number one
You are without comparison
You are the best, because I love you, number one

But you're my number one
You are without comparison
You are the best, because I love you, number one
You are the best, because I love you, number one
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