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Mumbo Jumbo

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

If I were a fortune teller
Or a magic gipsy queen
A mystery girl dressed up
In velvet green

I would tell the cards for you
But I wouldn't speak my mind
Telling you white lies
'Cause love is blind

Mystic eyes I can't withstand
(mystic eyes, I can't withstand)
Put your spell on me my friend
What's the game you play
The magic words you say
(words you say)

Mumbo Jumbo is the game
(Mumbo Jumbo)
But you may lose your heart
Just to play a part
It's so easy to betray

Mumbo Jumbo is the name
(Mumbo Jumbo)
To lose is very hard
Just to play a part
It's so easy to betray

I would read your palm and then
I could tell you where and when
You will hear the sound of wedding bells

But I'm not a fortune teller
Nor a magic gipsy queen
Nor a mystery girl in velvet green

Mystic eyes I can't withstand
(mystic eyes, I can't withstand)
Put your spell on me my friend
What's the game you play
The magic words you say
(words you say)

Mumbo Jumbo is the game
(Mumbo Jumbo)
But you may lose your heart
Just to play a part
It's so easy to betray

Mumbo Jumbo is the name
(Mumbo Jumbo)
To lose is very hard
Just to play a part
It's so easy to betray

Mumbo Jumbo is the game
(Mumbo Jumbo)
But you may lose your heart
Just to play a part
It's so easy to betray

Mumbo Jumbo is the name
(Mumbo Jumbo)
To lose is very hard
Just to play a part
It's so easy to betray

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