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My memories of you

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

My mem'ries of you
Go back to the place
Where we were little children
Dressed up in lace
And time goes by
But you still remain
My home-town's waiting for me so far away

When schoolbells were ringin'
We had to get in line
We learned our lessons by heart
We went to the church
In the early morning dew
We played 'till the sundown again

My mem'ries of you
Go back to the place
Where we were little children
Dressed up in lace
And time goes by
But you still remain
My home-town's waiting for me so far away

My mem'ries of you
Go back to the place
Where we were little children
Dressed up in lace
And time goes by
But you still remain
My home-town's waiting for me so far away

't Was there that I found you
One of the halcyon days
We thought that we never could lose
Those presents you gave
On my graduation day
I cherished with all of my heart

My mem'ries of you
Go back to the place
Where we were little children
Dressed up in lace
And time goes by
But you still remain
My home-town's waiting for me so far away
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