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In my dreams I'm on an island so serene
Walking through the hills dressed up in emerald green
The pearl of the blue Pacific Ocean
A beautiful island for two

Mariana, Mariana
Your beauty is way beyond compare
Where the wind is softly sighing
In the silence beneath the purple sky
I fell in love on Mariana
The ocean's a witness to our love

We enjoy the magic of the pale moonlight
While the waves are whispering in the tropic night
I will never walk out on you - my treasure
My beautiful island for two

Mariana, Mariana
Your beauty is way beyond compare
Where the wind is softly sighing
In the silence beneath the purple sky
I fell in love on Mariana
The ocean's a witness to our love
Mariana, Mariana

I fell in love on Mariana
The ocean's a witness to our love

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