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Mr. Dan

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Hey Mister, want you play my song
I think it's a good one, but I can be wrong
Hey Mister, want you play my tune
I've wrote it for you now, in the morning dew

Mister Dan, Mister Dan
Won't you please lend a hand and join the band
I heard you on the radio
The way you play your rock 'n roll
Boy, it thrills me so

Mister Dan, Mister Dan
Won't you please lend a hand and join the band
I heard you on the radio
The way you play your rock 'n roll
Boy, it thrills me so

Hey Mister, I wanna play with you
Gimme a break now, if you want me too
So Mister, if you want my song
Play the piano, I will sing along

Mister Dan, Mister Dan
Won't you please lend a hand and join the band
I heard you on the radio
The way you play your rock 'n roll
Boy, it thrills me so

Well it's so hard for me, my lady
But I will be here in time
When you're old enough to join me
In the multi-coloured lights

Mister Dan, Mister Dan
Won't you please lend a hand and join the band
I heard you on the radio
The way you play your rock 'n roll
Boy, it thrills me so

Mister Dan, Mister Dan
Won't you please lend a hand and join the band
I heard you on the radio
The way you play your rock 'n roll
Boy, it thrills me so
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