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My heart yearns over you

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

tum tum du tu du, tum tum tuuu du
tum tum du tu du, tum tum tuuu du
tum tum du tu du, tum tum tuuu du
tum tum du tu du, tum tum tuuu du

I saw you that night, messin' around in a barroom
(sha la la la la la la)
The smell of your fume was drivin' me out of my mind
(sha la la la la la la)
I swept off my feet and didn't shine in conversation
(sha la la la la la la)
I stumbled and stared, took heart and asked you to dance

She held me tight (she held me tight)
Drivin' me crazy (drivin' me crazy)
But I still couldn't believe she was mine
Fallin' in love (fallin' in love)
Turn night into day (night into day)
It reminds me of the words you would say

My heart yearns over you
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
You're the one to hang on to
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
Cupdid's arrow hit me oh I'm on fire
My heart years over you
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
Can't you see my love is true
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
Let me kiss your pretty sweet lips, 'cause you're mine

You played up to me, givin' me eyes every moment
(sha la la la la la la)
But you didn't shine in "chat up a bird" all the time
(sha la la la la la la)
Drinkin' some wine, I couldn't resist your temptation
(sha la la la la la la)
You stumbled and stared, took heart and asked me to dance

You held me tight (you held me tight)
Drivin' me crazy (drivin' me crazy)
But I still couldn't believe you were mine
Fallin' in love (fallin' in love)
Turn night into day (night into day)
It reminds me of the words you would say

My heart yearns over you
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
You're the one to hang on to
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
Cupdid's arrow hit me oh I'm on fire
My heart years over you
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
Can't you see my love is true
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
Let me kiss your pretty sweet lips, 'cause you're mine

(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)

My heart years over you
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
Can't you see my love is true
(sha la la la la, sha la laaa la)
Let me kiss your pretty sweet lips, 'cause you're mine
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