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(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

In the burning sands of Morocco
The ancient walls preserve a past age
And the desert winds play their games

On that dusty road from Agadir
I found you ridin' next to me, yeah
But you turned your dark eyes away

Flying over hills beneath a purple sky
To our destination Insh'allah

Ridin' a horse to Marrakesh
Through the starry nights and the burning days
Yes I'm on my way to Marrakesh

Ridin' a horse to Marrakesh
Through the starry nights and the burning days
Yes I'm on my way to Marrakesh

When the twilight hour of day begins
We see a golden sky-a, yeah
Then I hear you callin' my name

On that dusty road from Agadir
I found you ridin' next to me, yeah
But you turned your dark eyes away

Flying over hills beneath a purple sky
To our destination Insh'allah

Ridin' a horse to Marrakesh
Through the starry nights and the burning days
Yes I'm on my way to Marrakesh

Ridin' a horse to Marrakesh
Through the starry nights and the burning days
Yes I'm on my way to Marrakesh
Ayaya to Marrakesh
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