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Life ain't easy

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

Well listen my son, you're just a boy
I think you're old enough
To know some things about your life
Now yesterday is gone forever
Don't you know, tomorrow's here in time

First ten years at school, you won't be glad
You've got to use your head
Sometimes you'll make or lose a friend
There will be disappointment when the teacher says:
"It's nothing what you've done"

And then there's Nancy
But she's too young or something else
And then there's Grace, a new heartbreaker
She says: "I love you"
And you're a hero for a while
'Till you find out, that she told you lies

So life ain't easy
It seems so easy
But that's a lie
I'm gonna tell you why
It's finders keepers
And losers weepers
But some get by, and that's no lie

It's finders keepers
And losers weepers
But some get by, and that's no lie

Well then comes the day, you're on your own
You've got to find a job
And that's not easy all the time
'Cause yesterday is gone forever
Don't you know, it's so hard to survive

And still there's Nancy But she already has a date
And still there's Grace, your own heartbreaker
She says: "I love you"
But you're no hero anymore
'Cause you found out, it's a hard time going

So life ain't easy
It seems so easy
But that's a lie
I'm gonna tell you why
It's finders keepers
And losers weepers
But some get by, and that's no lie

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