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Lay your head upon my shoulder


Seventeen, a dancing queen
Always on the spree
Dreaming of making love
Wild 'n' fancy free

The mirror shows me
Since then, the years have flown away
Although it seems
Like it's only yesterday

Lay your head upon my shoulder
We two have to face the truth
Pay the price of growing older
Say goodbye to our youth

Lay your head upon my shoulder
Wipe your tears away my friend
Let's hang on to all the memories
Of the good times that we had

A warm embrace, face to face
Kissing in the dark
Fresh and young, having fun
And happy as a lark

The mirror shows me
Since then, the years have flown away
Although it seems
Like it's only yesterday

Lay your head upon my shoulder
We two have to face the truth
Pay the price of growing older
Say goodbye to our youth

Lay your head upon my shoulder
Wipe your tears away my friend
Let's hang on to all the memories
Of the good times that we had
Let's hang on to all the memories
Of the good times that we had

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