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Let's live it up

(D. Plat/J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)


Walking my way back to you babe
In the Sunday morning dew
Regret the things I've said, my gloomy view

I run off, my heart is aching
We've been wasting time too long
And my love for you's still growing strong

Let's go downtown, my love
And have some fun tonight
Let's stick together, it makes me feel alright

Let's live it up, honey honey
So funny, funny 'cause now's the time
To love and dance, the time to take a chance
Won't give it up, honey honey
So funny, funny to make you mine
So come and dance and let's have a sweet romance

Let me squeeze your sun-tanned body
Let me kiss you all night long
And make me feel your love's still growing strong

Let's go downtown, my love
And have some fun tonight
Let's stick together, it makes me feel alright

Let's live it up, honey honey
So funny, funny 'cause now's the time
To love and dance, the time to take a chance
Won't give it up, honey honey
So funny, funny to make you mine
So come and dance and let's have a sweet romance


Let's go downtown, my love
And have some fun tonight
Let's stick together, it makes me feel alright

Let's live it up, honey honey
So funny, funny 'cause now's the time
To love and dance, the time to take a chance
Won't give it up, honey honey
So funny, funny to make you mine
So come and dance and let's have a sweet romance
So come and dance and let's have a sweet romance


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