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Key to my heart

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Without a single raindrop
And the smallest ray of light
There wouldn't be no yellow roses, red nor white

Without your sweet embraces
Your whispering calm and kind
There couldn't be these smiling faces
Nor could you be on my mind

You lost your way
Along a dead-end street
You closed the gate and locked yourself up; far apart

You broke the key to my heart
In spite of our love, we're apart
We'll call it a day
Please go your own way
You have broken the key to my heart
You've set me free, so now we're bound to part

Love can stand the wrath of ages
Though it is a heavy load
But in many other cases
It's a long and winding road

You lost your way
Along a dead-end street
You closed the gate and locked yourself up; far apart

You broke the key to my heart
In spite of our love, we're apart
We'll call it a day
Please go your own way
You have broken the key to my heart

You have broken the key to my heart
You've set me free, so now we're bound to part
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