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Keep your head up

(D. Plat/J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

When Cupid's arrows lose their way towards your heart
And you feel mad they've let you down
When wheels of fortune seem to always pass you by
Your heart's the loser every time

And remember my friend, keep right on till the end
The darkest hour is right before the dawn

Keep your head up, don't feel blue
Soon the sun will shine on you
And one day you will forget your rainy days
Keep your head up, give a smile
No more sorrow for a while
Leave your sad days behind, blowing in the wind

Life it ain't easy, it's a long and winding road
You struggle with your heavy load

But remember my friend, keep right on till the end
The darkest hour is right before the dawn

Keep your head up, don't feel blue
Soon the sun will shine on you
And one day you will forget your rainy days
Keep your head up, give a smile
No more sorrow for a while
Leave your sad days behind, blowing in the wind

Life's like climbing a mountain high, so high that you have doubts
The distant peak is hiding behind the clouds

Keep your head up, don't feel blue
Soon the sun will shine on you
And one day you will forget your rainy days
Keep your head up, give a smile
No more sorrow for a while
Leave your sad days behind, blowing in the wind
Leave your sad days behind, blowing in the wind

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