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Just take my hand

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)

So many days, we can't forget
When we were young and happy
Castles in the air, between the ruins of our land

It's been a long, long time ago
Those happy days together
Walking hand in hand, between the ruins of our land

Try to find a way that will lead you here
I will wait for you 'cause I need you near
And I will sing in the morning a song to your heart
'Till day is dawning, then we enjoy our company

Just take my hand, and I will lead you
Back to the days when we were young
My pearly friend, just take my hand
Together we will reach the end

So little girl, don't be afraid
'Cause I will never leave you
No more lonely days, a joyfull time in many ways

Try to find a way that will lead you here
I will wait for you 'cause I need you near
And I will sing in the morning a song into your heart
'Till day is dawning, then we enjoy our company

Just take my hand, and I will lead you
Back to the days when we were young
My pearly friend, just take my hand
Together we will reach the end

Just take my hand, and I will lead you
Back to the days when we were young
My pearly friend, just take my hand
Together we will reach the end

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