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In the year 1519

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

In the year 1519, the Conquistadores under General Cortez discovered a famous Indian civilization, near a place that is now called Mexico City. Thousands of Aztec and Mayan Indians were massacred and their culture was completely destroyed.

The book of life was filled up with black pages
And darkness ruled over the day

Spirits cried, willing to die,
Just to be free, they fought for victory
Without fright and without fear
(all the Aztec Mayans, all for one, one for all)
Indians died, died for liberty
(they will fight for freedom, and nothing could stop them)
They were killed by Spanish soldiers,
for their land;
'were doomed against the guns, of señor Cortez

Their sun was bled, the rivers coloured red
With all the blood from all the slaughter
With no more grace and no more dignity
They lost their pride and lived in slavery

The book of life was filled up with black pages
And darkness ruled over the day

Spirits cried, willing to die,
(from the Aztec Mayans, they will go there together)
Just to be free, they fought for victory
(they will fight for freedom, and nothing could stop them)
Without fright and without fear
(all the Aztec Mayans, all for one, one for all)
Indians died, died for liberty
(they will fight for freedom, and nothing could stop them)
They were killed by Spanish soldiers,
for their land;
'were doomed against the guns, of señor Cortez

They were killed by Spanish soldiers,
for their land;
'were doomed against the guns, of señor Cortez

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