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In memory of Billy Joe

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)

Billy Joe, my model neighbour
He was healthy, he was rich
Never boozed, no nicotine
A work-horse like you've never seen

But one day he struck his head
Oh what a pity, Billy was dead
Life's too short, so come what may
Let us start to live today

So come on - sing together
Let us drink - let us dance
Let your troubles fade away
Gonna have a ball today

So come on - sing together
Let us drink - let us dance
Let your troubles fade away
Gonna have a ball today

Cheerio, cheerio! Oh, baby chin-chin, oh what a show!
Cheerio, cheerio, woah, woah, ho, tally-ho!

So come on - sing together
Let us drink - let us dance
Let your troubles fade away
Gonna have a ball today

So come on - sing together
Let us drink - let us dance
Let your troubles fade away
Gonna have a ball today

Let's go crazy, la la la la la
Let's feel lazy, la la la la

Let's go crazy, la la la la la
Let's feel lazy, la la la la

Looked in every morning paper
For news of Billy Joe

What a pity at the end
Not a word for my rich friend

Let's go crazy, la la la la la
Let's feel lazy, la la la la

Let's go crazy, la la la la la
Let's feel lazy, la la la la

If you're a tramp or millionaire or Billy Joe
You shouldn't care
Life's too short, so come what may
So let's start to live today

So come on - sing together
Let us drink - let us dance
Let your troubles fade away
Gonna have a ball today

So come on - sing together
Let us drink - let us dance
Let your troubles fade away
Gonna have a ball today

Cheerio, cheerio! Oh, baby chin-chin, oh what a show!
Cheerio, cheerio, woah, woah, ho, tally-ho!

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