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The hitmedley (short version)

Mon amour

(Th. Tol/J. Keizer)
Achetez mes gens, voyons, achetez mes fleurs
C'est la vie d'une fille, isolée toujours
Mais l'avenir est formidable
Quand viens-tu chez moi

Mon amour, tu es ma rose
Qui ne va jamais passer
Je t'adore de jour en jour
Mademoiselle d'amour

The banjo man

(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)
Wee, oh wee, oh when
(wee, oh wee, oh when)
my name is Dan
I'm the banjo man, I'm the banjo man
Playing when I can
Dee dee dee dee dum
(dee dee dee dee dum),
you hear the drum
Of the banjo man
Oh, the banjo man is back in town again
Oh, the banjo man is back
Oh, the banjo man is back in town again


(J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)
Yeppa (yeppa)
Yeppa (yeppa)
Yeppa (yeppa, yeppa)

Yeppa, yeppa, yeppa, c'est la fête du vin et nous chantons,
Yeppa, yeppa, yeppa, tous les jours avec l'accordéon,
Yeppa, yeppa, yeppa, oui, car les vacances sont arrivées; vive la liberté

Je vide mon coeur, au revoir professeur,
temps pour la détente, une perspective riante,
allons à Paris, faire la noce, oui, oui, oui,
sauter, danser, sur les Champs Elysées.

Yeppa, yeppa, yeppa, c'est la fête du vin et nous chantons,
Yeppa, yeppa, yeppa, tous les jours avec l'accordéon,
Yeppa, yeppa, yeppa, oui, car les vacances sont arrivées; vive la liberté

El Cordobes

(D. Plat/J. Veerman/J. Keizer/J. Tuijp)
In the heat of the fight
He trembles inside
Never praise the day before it's over
He started to choke
To the finishing stroke
The crowd's only crying for more

In the wings where she whispered 'never say die'
Ohoh never say die
Only cold perspiration invades his keen eye
It's the moment we are waiting for

El Cordobes like a real cumbanchero
Ay ay ay ay he's the great matador
El Cordobes cumbanchi cumbanchero
Ay ay ay ay he's the man we adore
I fear the end of the show
A shivering thrill then we go

Rockin' the trolls

(Th. Tol/J. Tuijp/C. Tol)
He was a Scottish sailorman, who sure was right as rain
He'd like to tell you stories in a most peculiar way
With lowered voice and rolling eyes, the smell of booze and beer
"Beware my kids" he said, "because the trolls will soon be here"

"With crystal balls and magic bells, they're rulers of the night
So draw your swords and raise it high, 'cause now the time is right"
And then he'd say: "Think of me nice" and to me surprise
The Scottish sailor, he moved into the night

And while we all were waiting, cheeria cheera
The sailor was taken, 'till the day was breaking
He's rockin' the trolls tonight

And while we all were waiting, cheeria cheera
The sailor was taken, 'till the day was breaking
He's rockin' the trolls tonight


  • "The hitmedley" is een medley van: "Mon amour", "The banjo man", "Yeppa", "El Cordobes" en "Rockin' the trolls".

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